EKPC is a not-for-profit generation and transmission electric utility with headquarters in Winchester, Ky. The cooperative is owned and governed by 16 member-owned electricity distribution co-ops. EKPC’s vital mission is to safely generate and transmit competitive, reliable power to these cooperatives serving more than 1 million Kentuckians. Together with our owner-members, we’re known as Kentucky’s Touchstone Energy Cooperatives.
EKPC is a member-owned, not-for-profit cooperative. We exist to serve.
Touchstone Energy: America's largest utility network
Touchstone Energy is a nationwide alliance made up of more than 750 local, owner-member electric cooperatives in 46 states. Together, we are your source of power and information. Kentucky’s Touchstone Energy Co-ops show our commitment to local communities through programs that support veterans, special athletes, families facing illnesses and victims of disasters.
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